Q.P. CODE:106010 Reg. No:
First Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations
October 2014
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
Answer all questions
Essays: (2ื10=20)
1. Define psychology. Explain various methods of psychology. (2+8=10)
Short notes: (8x5=40)
3. Glandular control of behavior.
4. Factors determining attention.
5. Forgetting.
6. Types of thinking.
7. Types of conflict.
8. General theories of emotion.
9. Projection test of personality.
10. Psychosexual stages of development.
Answer briefly : (5x3=15)
11. Repression.
12. Uses of psychological test.
13. Reinforcement.
15. Proactive and retroactive inhibition.